Diamond Foxxx Interview

With a name like Diamond Foxxx, one can only imagine the beauty that this elegantly filthy MILF exudes. She’s a busty blonde with killer curves and a wild side who’s not afraid to get down and dirty.  Actually, that’s how she likes it. The rougher the better.  Believe it or not, this vixen describes herself as having been “very shy” before she got in front of the camera, but she has more than made up for it with a ton of scorching scenes. Now that her inner harlot has been unleashed, Diamond has hit the ground running with a series of featured roles in films such as The Golden Girls: A XXX MILF Parody, MILF Memoirs 3-D the upcoming Wonder Woman XXX parody. Smutlife recently caught up with the alluring Ms. Foxxx just as she was waking…

SL: So tell us about yourself.
DF: I did my very first porn video back in 2004. I got into it originally to make money for my real estate business. I went out to California, did my first scene with the intention of just getting a few thousand bucks together and then leaving, but I quickly figured out that it doesn’t happen that way. I stuck around for about a year and then I left and worked on my real estate ventures. I did very well with those and I got bored sitting home and doing nothing so I decided to come back out to California and started shooting porn full time again. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

SL: Do you enjoy what you’re doing?
DF: I love what I’m doing! It’s going to be very difficult when the camera tells me ‘OK Diamond, you’re getting a little too old for this.

SL: What about producing and directing when that time comes?
DF: You know, I’m actually directing and producing a video right now and God knows I’ve been working on it forever.  I often ask myself what am I’m going to do when I am not in front of the camera anymore. I’ve got to tell you: putting up with some of these girls is not as much fun as it may seem. I don’t have the patience for it. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but it’s definitely going to have something to do with some kind of nudity and sex and stuff. I just don’t know exactly what just yet.
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SL: What are some of the headaches you deal with as a producer/director?
DF: Well, we’re dealing with porn people. So, you have to get the porn people (usually the girls) up out of bed and on the set when they’re supposed to be there. Being a cool person, I’ve always had 11AM calls, as opposed to 8AM so we can all sleep late. Usually there’s the one person in a multi-person sex scene that doesn’t show up and everybody’s scrambling to find somebody to replace them. Then the second person shows up and they’re on their period and nobody wants to work with them and there’s a bunch of girl/girl interactions. I have one camera person that I’ve consistently used and he does predominantly mainstream work so he’s got one idea and he’s got a totally different idea and I have to keep pulling him off to the side and say ‘Helloooooo… I shoot porn all day and you shoot regular people all day. Let me tell you what we’re gonna do.’ Then you have to deal with the people editing it. They want to edit it one way and you have a completely different idea of how you want it edited. They completely chop it up. I did one scene with Phoenix and James Deen and it was absolutely incredible; I couldn’t wait to see it. The editor finished and sent it to me and I thought I was going to kill myself. He butchered the whole scene. It’s all this little stuff. Regular people have no idea what goes on behind that finished product. Sometimes it can be an absolute nightmare and God bless the people who have the patience to do it. I have no patience whatsoever!

SL: Tell us about the project you’re producing and directing right now.
DF: It’ll be done… I keep saying ‘any day now,’ but seriously: it should be done any day now. It’ll be called Sibling Rivalry. I’m starring in it playing Diamond Foxxx and a character called Annie Dickado and she is my long-lost twin sister. The only difference between her and I is that she’s a dumb, country brunette and I’m a blonde with somewhat of a brain. Annie does all kinds of filthy, dirty things. It’s going to be really cool. Annie does a double penetration scene, which she’s never done before. She does an ‘anal creampie‘ too. Ron Jeremy is also in the movie. We’re editing right now and we’re just about finishing it all up.

SL: I see you’re also up for a couple of awards.
DF: Yeah, I’ve gotten some recognition, but I haven’t won anything yet. But I’m working on it. I’m nominated a lot, so people know that I’m out there, which makes me feel good. I got nominated for ‘Best MILF‘ by Nightmoves and they are out of Tampa. It’s all fan-based, so I need as many fans as possible to go vote for me at http://www.nightmovesusa.com/vote.php

SL: What kind of stuff are you into outside of porn?
DF: I’m usually feature-dancing in cities across the country and on the days in between I love to play Texas Hold ‘Em. I even like to make quilts!

SL: I can’t picture you making quilts.
DF: (Laughs). Sometimes I’ll break it out on the airplane. If I have a long flight I’ll bring it with me. People are dumbfounded, especially the guys. When they see this hot chick sitting there sewing with a needle and thread they’re like ‘what the hell?’
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SL: Your scenes are pretty intense. What do like to do in a scene?
DF: I’m definitely not submissive. I’ve shown up to a couple of places where I’m supposed to be submissive and it never works out. I like aggressive sex scenes; I don’t like your regular, everyday, normal sex because the guys at home get everyday, normal sex. They don’t want that. I’m getting better. It’s even taken me a little bit of time to come out of my shell, but I’m getting there. I like girl/girl, as long as the other girl like pussy. If she doesn’t like it I don’t want to have anything to do with it. I feel like I’m molesting someone. But with guys, you can’t molest them! They’ll take anything they can get, which I love. When it becomes work, I don’t want to be there. It has to be enjoyable for everybody involved. Once they turn those cameras on and tell us to start screwing I’m all over it. I want to have a good time doing it.

SL: Have you gotten to live out all your fantasies on camera or is there stuff you are still hoping to do?
DF: Goodness gracious I have lived out every fantasy and then some! Growing up my biggest fantasy was always to have sex on a toilet. I’m assuming it’s because I always used to masturbate on the toilet. So I’ve done that several times. Even off camera I like to do that. I’ve done the two guy thing several times on camera and as much as I love it it’s still a lot of work. I’ve never done it off camera, so one of these days I’ll try it and see if it’s easier.

SL: How much does your onscreen sex life overlap with your private love life?
DF: They don’t really intersect at all. I am married and in a monogamous relationship. We’re not swingers or anything. But my work has definitely improved our sex life 2000%. Now I’m a lot more open to experimenting and trying new things. If I’m on set and I like something then I can bring it home and try it. Just in general: I used to be really shy and extremely conservative with sex. Not anymore…

SL: What broke you out of the conservatism?
DF: Porn. Definitely. I went from never having sex to being in front of a room full of people having sex and having to perform and be the best that I could be.

SL: What’s coming up for Diamond Foxxx?
DF: A lot. The Wonder Woman parody is till being edited and I am very excited for that to come out. Tori Black plays Wonder Woman and I got to be her mother. I always wanted to work with her; she’s just such an incredible girl. I am very eager to see it. I’ve done some anal scenes for Brazzers recently and they’re coming out soon. I’m also getting ready to shoot a big movie for Wicked with Stormy Daniels when I get back home from this feature gig. That movie is going to be called Chat Room. Oh, and if it ever gets finished, my own Sibling Rivalry will be coming out soon. Big things are coming up (and I don’t want to give anything away just yet) with www.diamondfoxxx.com that are going to make my fans extremely happy. Stay tuned for details!


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